Yajna ceremony has meaning and function is very noble , has a value of purity and high spiritual values in accordance with the type of Yajna . Infrastructures used in the yajna , has holy hope to achieve perfection both spiritually and material.sarana in a religious ceremony that is used by Hindus in the form of fire and water is very important and has a very many function as the completeness and perfection of a Yajna. So also is very helpful fire human life , is also important in the yajna ceremony, such as the use dhupa.
There are three types of fire called tryagni are three sacred fire used in a series of such Yajna : Awahaniya, garhaspatya and citagni. Fire functions in relation to Hindu religious ceremony is. 1) Fire as Basir master of ceremonies, 2) Fire as an intermediary devotee and worshiped , 3) Fire -fighting all defilements and repellent evil spirits , and 4) The fire as witness the ceremony in the life
Terms begging tirta or holy water requirements are : 1) The applicant must have a clean emotional and physical , 2) Dress in specifically for it - a sacred thing , 3) Facing towards the rising sun or the local mountain , and 4) Hands raised up above head to hold a special place for the holy water of flowers in water and dhupa which has been declared and held .
Water in its function as a means of religious ceremony is holy water or Toya / tirta. Tirta serve as a symbol of purification or cleansing. Tirtha sputtering as mentioned above were conducted on human beings, have the meaning that humans acquire the sanctity of themselves, both physically and spiritual.
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