• I Gusti Agung Dharmawan IAHN Tampung Penyang
Keywords: Family, education, Catur Purusa Artha


Family education families through the concept of the Vedic holy teachings family education families through the concept of Catur purusa artha. The benefit or benefit of this research is that it can be achieved by describing how to nurture the family through the concept of the Holy Vedic teachings to foster the family through the concept of the Catur Purusa Artha. Family education a family through the Catur Purusa Artha concept, as follows: 1. Family education a family with the Concept of Dharma, Dharma is a compass for people who are heading towards heaven. By holding on to the dharma, every human being wants to have a family to live in God's happiness. Outwardly a father should think, holy and noble. 2. Family education a family with artha which means artha, that is a wife because: The wife is the treasure of many years that we are looking for. The wife is a gift from Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. Wife is our partner undergoing Karma. The wife is the palace where we take shelter. Wife is a friend, best friend, girlfriend, wife, brother in our lives. 3. Family education a family with the Kama Concept Kama is a very important part of family education a family, kama is a medium for continuing life, kama is also a tool to encourage everyone to change and compete for a more decent life. 4. Foster a family with the Moksa Concept. To get freedom of soul (atman) then in family education the family of Chess Citizens, so that they enter the Wanapraste era, faster, by pursuing Tapa Brata, and increasing our Sradha and Bhakti to Brahman.


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