One form of religious ritual and tradition in Balinese society that is still being carried out is the use of chicken animals in religious ritual activities. The use and function of chickens in various types of religious ceremonies is a kind of symbolization that is full of quite deep meanings. Symbolizing chickens in religious ceremonies is a religious culture that has been rooted in tradition for centuries. This is marked by a deep love of Balinese society for chickens as one of the animals that are considered to have sacred values. The presumption of the sacredness of chickens raises forms of intimacy that are not only metaphorical, but are filled with the value of relationships that are religious or sacred. Based on the explanation above, this research is directed to answer various formulations on how to use chicken in Bhuta Yadnya Ceremony and the meaning of using chicken in Bhuta Yadnya Ceremony. In general, this study aims to examine and understand the Bhuta Yadnya ceremony. This research uses qualitative research methods, while the data collection method used is the interview or interview method and the method of recording documents. And analysis of the data with descriptive analysis method with induction and argumentation techniques.
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