Sigmund Freud in his psychoanalytic theory of religion states that religion as Oedipus is complex. Freud's view downgraded the religion and dignity of its adherents. Hinduism in daily worship practices (worship) uses a lot of rituals, symbols and sacrifices (totem in Freud's terminology), also many based on ethics or rules (taboo), with yuan sacred strands. This study is a qualitative study that examines historical-factual figures, using the hermeutics method to study psychoanalysis of religion specifically as a complex oedipus according to Sigmund Freud as a formal object and formal Hindajahbag teaching. Hinduism as a religion that is universally challenged and answers something with a religion (justification of religion with inclusive dogmas), where Hinduism answers all challenges to its theology with the approval and arguments of the Vedas.
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