This article aims to explore and interpret the discourse of the death of God and übermensch according to Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. The analysis in this article uses a philosophical approach, with the hermeneutic method of suspicion through literature study techniques that contain ideas or reviews of Nietzsche's thoughts, reading sources are obtained secondarily from several books and online sites (youtube).
Through the analysis of these sources, the genealogy of religious morality and the promises of science and technology can be traced, which so far have considered themselves capable of enlightening and becoming absolute truth, which is the origin of Nietzsche's criticism. Through religious dogma, which places God as a support and guidance, it is considered to have limited and weakened human free will, so that people who have superior abilities cannot maximize their will. Likewise, science and technology have been considered by Nietzsche as an absolute order, so that there is no other chance of truth in this world. Through the proclamation of the death of "God" and the presence of übermensch, Nietzshe invites people to make efforts to realize that life is something that does not necessarily depend on absolute truths that are obtained from other people (derived), both from religion and science and technology. Rather, life and life must be fought for maximally through various efforts and efforts. In this way superior or superior humans will emerge, not herd humans with a slave mentality. Therefore the death of "God" (absolute truth) is freedom for the slave.
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