Humanisme Dalam Ajaran Konfusianisme

  • Komang Heri Yanti STAHN Mpu Kuturan Singaraja
Keywords: Humanism, Confucianism, Konfusius


Confucianism is the name of a school in Chinese philosophy. The founder of Confucianism was named Confucius. In an age when division, chaos and war were rampant, Confucius wanted to restore the order of heaven (Tianming) to be able to unite China and bring peace and prosperity to the people. Humanistic Confucian teachings developed into one of the most important things in Chinese civilization. The most profound teaching of Confucius lies in his emphasis on self-development or self-civilization, moral exemplary and the ability to make well-trained decisions rather than knowledge of the laws of nature. His ethics, then, is more of an ethics of virtue. The concepts of humanism introduced in Confucianism are: Zhengming (justification, upholding the name), Yi (virtue), Ren (human goodness), Xiao (respect), Li (ritual), Tianming (heavenly commandment). In Chinese terms, Confucianism refers to two meanings: Ju Chiao which refers to religious teachings and Ju Chia which refers to philosophical schools. As Ju Chiao in the religious field, the term T'ien or Tian is a major spiritual factor. In Confucian teachings about Tianming or the heavenly orders, the content is that T'ien gives the power of a country to the people he chooses, namely those who are considered capable of leading a country.



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