Abhyāsa dan Vairāgya Dalam Filsafat Yoga Sūtra Patañjali Sebagai Upaya Menghindari Berita Palsu Di Media Sosial
The development of digital technology today has a significant influence on the circulation of information. With the rise of sophisticated technological systems, various bad effects also occur, such as the circulation of hoax information. Seeing this bad influence, a comprehensive thought is needed to counteract hoax information (fake news) on social media. This study explains that hoaxes can be avoided through the spiritual path taught by Maha Rsi Patañjali. Fake news can be avoided by applying the concept of abhyāsa, namely by absorbing various information obtained on social media and controlling the seeds of thought and introspection to the information obtained. Furthermore, with the vairāgya, namely by rejecting various information obtained by means of radical skepticism and doubting the information obtained. Sources of knowledge according to Patañjali's Yoga Sūtra are pratyaksa (direct observation through the five senses), anumāna (through inference) and agama pramana (authority parties/ scriptures.
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