Monotheism-Pantheistic: Binary Opposition The Storefront of Hindu Beliefs in Bali (A Phenomenological Review Based on Sacred Literature)
This research is a qualitative research based on the religious phenomenon of Hindus in
Bali in carrying out the teachings of Hinduism through existing beliefs. The beliefs that are
currently developing in Bali are monotheism and pantheism/pantheistic beliefs. This study seeks
to examine more deeply the conception of belief that developed in Bali as a result of the emergence
of various polemics in society about the conception of belief carried out by Hindus in Bali. Based
on this urgency, the researchers attempted to conduct research using a phenomenological
approach and supported by several data analysis techniques, namely literature and document
studies. The data that the researchers obtained were then analyzed by using the Miles and
Huberman analysis method. To support this research method, the researcher uses several theories,
namely Symbolic Interactionalism theory and Hermeneutics theory. The researcher uses Symbolic
Interactionalism Theory to find out the interpretation of Hindus in Bali in understanding God
through interaction with worship media that act as symbols of God. Then the researcher uses the
Hermeneutic theory to understand more deeply the religious phenomenon of Hindus in Bali based
on the perspective of Vedic-based Hinduism sacred literature, both lexically and semantically.
Through these methods and theories, researchers get a new paradigm that the belief that grows
naturally in the religious civilization of Hindus in Bali is monotheism-pantheistic. A paradigm of
belief as a result of binary opposition which accommodates the notion that there is only one God
and He permeates all forms of His creation (everything is God).
Keywords: Monotheism, Pantheism/Pantheistic, Binary Opposition.
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