Dualitas Harapan dan Ketakutan Dalam Hidup Manusia : Sebuah Telaah Filosofis
Humans are creatures who do not stop to hope. That is, when one hope has been achieved, another hope will appear again. And so on that is done by humans. However, on the other hand, due to changes that are constructive or destructive and this becomes an inseparable part of human life, every change will cause humans to have to make personal decisions as a consequence of human interaction with the world around them. Human failure to find orientation amid countless possibilities has the potential to create fear which becomes one of the threats to the meaning of human life. So hope and fear often appear together. By using descriptive-analytical methods and library research, the results of this study indicate that hope in principle contains components of willpower and way power to achieve goals. The two components cannot be separated from one another, complement each other, and are also positively correlated. Expectations are influenced by three things, namely: social support, religious beliefs, and also control. Meanwhile, fear is something that arises when a person's ability to achieve expectations is lower. The duality between hopes and fears is important for humans to understand by using ratios because by managing hopes and fears through ratios, humans will be able to achieve what they want to become a reality.
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