Author Guidelines
1. Articles must be original and have not been published in other publishing media
2. Manuscript can be original research or conceptual article
3. The manuscript can be writen in Indonesian or English
4. Article lengt betwen 6000 to 10000 word
5. Research articles should contain of title, author name, affiliate author, email, abstract, keyword,
introduction, method (optional), result, discussion, conclusion and bibliography
6. Conceptual article should be contain of title, author name, affiliate author, email, abstract, keyword,
introduction, discussion, conclusion, and bibliography
5. Explanations of subframework in the article are as follows :
a. The title should be simple, effective and interesting. Maximum title consists of 12 words or
maximum 3 (three) lines
b. Author name is created without using the title
c. Affiliate Author shows place of the author's origin institution
d. Email loaded are frequently used emails by authors
e. Abstract maximum contain 250 words and written in Indonesia and English
f. Keywords should writen sparated from abstract approximately 2-5 words where the word is often
mentioned in the article
g. Introduction contain of background of the problem, significant of the study, knowledge gap and
purpuse of the study.
h. Method, explain method used in the study and the procedure of the study
i. Discussion describes of review and analysis research that can be done in the form of pictures /
tables and in the form of descriptive
i. The conclusion is to avoid use bullets or numbers
j. The bibliography uses the style of APA style
7. Pleae use this journal template download here