

Journal title Jurnal Dharma Duta
Initials JDD
Frequency 2 issues per year
DOI prefix 10.33363 By. Crossref
Print ISSN 2089-8215
Online ISSN 2685-9521
Editor-in-Chief Hadianto Ego Gantiano
Publisher Fakultas Dharma Duta 
Citation Analysis Google Scholar

Jurnal Dharma Duta (JDD) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal and follows a double-blind review policy. The Journal is scheduled for publication biannually, This journal contains articles in the fields of Communication Science, Communication Technology, Communication Management, Communication Media, Journalism, Public Relations, Public Welfare Sciences, Advertising, Sociology, Anthropology, Humanity, Cultural Sciences.

The accepted and published papers in this Journal can be freely accessed in the following abstracting & indexing international academic publication databases:

Crossref Metadata Search

-  MORAREF by Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Google Scholar

Call for papers:

The Journal calls for unpublished original manuscripts to be considered for publication. The papers submitted to the Journal should not have already been published or are under consideration elsewhere. The manuscript should be 5000-7000 words to be considered for review and follow the Journal style.

How to submit a manuscript to the Journal?